SuperTeacher program includes the following:
Training #
On internet things change at very fast pace, its important to remain updated about new technology, strategy and tools. This is why training related things are included in SuperTeacher program. We offer certification programs and weekly live session.
- Weekly live Session: Every Monday there will be a live session to solve your doubts, give you guidance to be a successful online teacher.
- Certification Program: One certification program will be offered every month, you can enroll in that program for FREE.
Content Delivery Tools #
We don’t only give you gyan about eLearning technology but we also give you an LMS, hosting, page builders and much more.
- TutorLMS WordPress Hosting: You can use this LMS to offer free/paid pre-recorded video/ live class course to your students. This also includes a popular page builder, Elementor Pro, that allow you to create landing pages to sell your courses.
Content Development Tools #
We also provides some tools that makes content development easy for you.
- InVideo: InVideo allow you to make beautiful videos with the use of pre-designed templates.
- Vachak: Vachak allow you to generate voiceover from text.
Guidance #
- Educational Video Review: We review your educational video on various parameters to check its quality and marketability. It allow you to work on week parts and create a better video for next topic.
- YouTube Channel Review: Every teacher wants to run a successful YouTube channel. We review your YouTube channel for its content strategy, SEO and other related things.
In a nutshell, we gives you everything required to grow in digital learning world. You have access to content development tools, content delivery tools, Training and Guidance.