About Course
Educational Video Creation is a challenging task as you need to know a lot of things. You need to know the type of video suitable for your subject and topics. Than you need to have knowledge of hardware and software that will help you in creating suitable educational video. Believe me, identifying correct hardware and software is not enough. At the same time you also needs to know the correct placement of hardware with correct setting to achieve desired educational video. This becomes more complex when you want to merge multiple types of videos in one video.
Enrollments open for Batch 1: 12 April 2021 to 16 April 2021 evening 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
This is why, I started giving above mentioned information to you using ETmantra’s YouTube channel. That information is sufficient for a teacher to start making educational videos. I still receive messages from teachers asking questions related to Educational Video Creation. I understand that you are struggling with the hardware/software you have. You may have many unanswered questions.
This course will talk about everything required to make educational videos. No matter if you want to create basic educational videos or you want to create advanced educational video. This course will help you. What’s more interesting that most of the things that you will learn from this course will also help you in taking live classes.
Course Content
Day 1: Types of Educational Videos
This is a sample quiz