- Topic: Induction Type Energy Meter in Hindi
- Video Type: ScreenCast
- Duration of the video: 01:01:45
Before reading this review of the embedded video, it is important to note that the video has several positive points and the review is given with the point of view of enhancing the video.
Overall comments:
- Good audio quality and volume
- Comfortable pace of talking
- Good use of annotations and illustrations
Visual design
- After the first slide and before showing the image of the written page, add a slide with the name of the topic and the standard/class .
- Use different coloured pens or underline to add emphasis to important points/formulae.
- Important formulas could also be placed within a rectangular box in the text. That way viewers can visually identify it from the other text.
Chucking of content
- Chunking the video into smaller components will enable viewers to assimilate the content better. The video could be divided into the following separate smaller videos:
- Fundamentals: Braking and Friction
- Application and Features of Energy Meter
- Construction
- Working of Induction type Instrument
- Question from SSC JE papers and Explanation
- Creeping Errors and Questions SSC JE papers
- Indicate the subtopics that will be covered in the video. At 33:01, the different elements that are covered in the video are shown. An index of this kind for the entire video could also be shown towards the beginning of the video so that the viewers know exactly what to expect.
- Introduce reflection spots in the video to increase viewer engagement. By pausing the video at certain points and asking the viewers to reflect on a question they transform from passive into active viewers. After a pause for a few seconds the speaker can continue with the explanation of the most appropriate answer and clarify misconceptions. For example, reflection spots can be included at
- 02:44. What are the features of indicating instruments and how are they different from motor meter?
- 18:08- Why are Aluminium disks preferred over copper disks.
- 27:17-What do you think is the difference between Pressure Coil and Current Coil in terms of the thickness of the wires and the number of tons ?
- Points on the screen should appear as the speaker mentions them to ensure that the viewers are paying attention to exactly what the speaker is saying. Avoid crowding the screen space with text like at 7:42. For instance,
- at 02:40 show only question no. 2 and only at 03:44, show point no. 3.
- At 48:15 show only the question first and later the solution.
- Explanations with illustrations are very effective. But this would be better if the drawings were done on a blank background as opposed to over the existing text. While creating the text, keep some blank space at strategic locations which can be used for the illustrations. For instance, the annotations done at 36:36 makes effective use of space.
- The Illustration of the Aluminum disc that appears at 25:33 could be further labeled with series magnet, shunt magnet etc. Inorder to focus the viewer’s attention on the the illustration and the details, text that is to left hand side could be removed. Only when the speaker mentions the functions of the copper shading bands, then the text can be shown.
- 28:42- Blur out the phone number or edit the visual out of this segment.
I have given all suggestions that will help you in improving educational video quality. Try to improve them one by one. Improve what you can and keep producing the videos. The most important thing is to keep making videos, no matter what.
One Response
Natasha Gomes mam एवं डॉ. योगेन्द्र पाल सर् को मेरी शुरुआती educational video के रिव्यु करने के लिए आप दोनों का बहुत आभार और धन्यवाद !
इस review से मुझे बहुत फायदा हुआ है और मैं अभी भी हर वीडियो में improve करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूँ
मुझे पूरा विश्वास है मेरे जैसे सभी शिक्षक जो अभी अभी एजुकेशनल वीडियो लेक्चर बनाना शुरू किए हैं उनके लिए कम से कम एक रिव्यु बहुत ही जरूरी है
पाल सर् के द्वारा बहुत अच्छे ढंग से रिव्यु किया जाता है मुझे एक नई दिशा प्राप्त हुई है आशा करता हूँ मेरे सभी साथी शिक्षकों को भी इससे जरूर लाभ होगा